Sunday, May 3, 2015

We get a lot of calls from people wanting equipment estimates over the phone. The problem with phone estimates is that each company gives pricing on different brands of equipment with different levels of warranty and service. It is the responsibility of the customer to investigate the performance and ratings of any brand of equipment that is being considered for purchase & installation. So just because one company gives you a lower estimate than another does not always mean you are getting a better deal. Talk to your neighbors, friends and family to get more familiar with the brands of central heating & air conditioning equipment that best suites your needs and budget. There are many other factors that go into the consideration of new equipment. SEER is a major factor which is the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and the industry minimum for new equipment as of January 2015 is 14 SEER. The state of Florida has allowed contractors & suppliers to sell and install 13 SEER equipment until July of 2016 in order to deplete current stock. The higher SEER the equipment is the lower your power bill is but the price will be higher. The benefit of higher SEER is saving money and the equipment will eventually pay for itself. Other factors to consider are equipment size and warranty. The wrong size equipment can cause premature failure of high power bills. Most equipment comes with 10 + years warranty and others may only come with 5 years. Ask questions and get multiple estimates before making a decision. Remember your hotline to comfort is 727 470-COLD. Here at Kennedy Cooling & Heating we care about your comfort!